I’ve got my CWP, Now What?
Training as a Civilian on how to be Tactical is different, because you are not to Act as a Law Enforcement Officer. Trust me, when I started this journey it was not what I expected. I thought I had to become the next Barney Fife, or better yet Rambo. Not even close. But I have my permit, and I can carry in public. How do I know how I will react – I’m Human, right?
Watching Youtube Videos, and getting the next tactical-cool training can be tough to digest in the beginning. Let us first chew the food, before we swallow and digest.
This Next Level One Course is going to take you Step by Step on:
I am not calling this the Advanced Course, because lets face it, it will scare 95% of you a way. What I am doing in this course is catering to YOUR needs, where YOU are in YOUR Training. And, NO – Everyone is not on the same level in this class. We all have different reasons for needing to Carry, but we ALL should have the same Agenda – Safety – it’s our #1 Priority from Beginning – to the very End. And yes, it’s something that has to be taught, it doesn’t just come naturally. Let me guide you in to this Next Level of Training.